Living Handbook Editorial Board

Living Handbook

The Living Handbook is a comprehensive, easy to understand, accessible and transparent documentation of the NFDI4Earth products, architecture, structure, and services. Users will find all relevant information on how to use the NFDI4Earth products in this LHB. The LHB is tightly connected to the Knowledge Hub and provides relevant and easy to use technical information. The LHB further offers service providers the opportunity to present their tools, databases,  tutorials, or best practice information on a central platform to increase their visibility. 

The Editorial Board

The Editorial Board curates the content of the Living Handbook, supports its authors and optimises the editorial workflow. It plans events and calls to promote the Living Handbook and to build a community that will keep it living. "NFDI Commons" (M3.3) supports the Editorial Board in these tasks.

Join us!

You want to help us making the Living Handbook even more amazing? We are looking forward to welcome you on board!
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