Previous events
Academy Coffee-lecture on-going. Click here for an overview.
Academy Cross-Cohort Meeting 30th September - 02nd October 2024. Click here for a short summary-
Academy Online Workshop 28th - 29th August 2024. Click here for a short summary.
Academy Cohort Calls 2nd Cohort 3rd July - 25th September 2024. Click here for a short summary.
Academy Kick-off 2nd Cohort 10th - 12th July 2024 in Potsdam. Click here for a short summary
Academy Think Tank 1st Cohort 6th - 7th December 2023. Click here for a short summary
DataXplorers Cross-community Hackathon 1st Cohort 23th October - 5th December 2023. Click here for a short summary
Academy Summer School 1st Cohort 12th – 14th June 2023. Click here for a short summary.
Academy Cohort Calls 1st Cohort 10th February - 21st April 2023. Click here for a short summary.
Academy Kick-off 1st Cohort 30th November - 2nd December 2022 in Buchenau. Click here for a short summary
NFDI4Earth Academy - Code of conduct
Pledge and Scope
Our Pledge
In our endeavour to foster a collaborative, open and welcoming environment, we as Fellows and Coordinators pledge to make participation in the NFDI4Earth Academy and our community a harassment-free and inclusive experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, religion, culture, political belief, scientific background, linguistic background, medical, and mental conditions, and sexual identity, preferences, and orientation. Further, we pledge to engage with the Academy to the extent possible and contribute, whenever possible, via mentoring, collaboration and help.
In our endeavour to conduct robust, reasoned and rigorous science, we as researchers pledge to follow good scientific practice, scientific honesty, acknowledge ideas and contributions and follow the FAIR principles and Open RDM to the extent possible.
Our Scope/When do the guidelines apply
This Code of Conduct applies within the NFDI4Earth Academy, including all interactions (online and in-person) between the members of the Academy, thus Fellows and Coordinators, and in public spaces when an individual is representing the Academy, its projects or its community. Examples of representing the Academy, its projects or community include posting via social media account, or acting as a representative at an online or offline event.
Further, it applies to the research conducted within the NFDI4Earth Academy or resulted from any Academy activities. Note that legal binding agreements, such as publishing agreements, are subject to the Fellows employers.
Expected & encouraged behaviour
Expected behaviour revolves around mutual respect, kindness, and professionalism. This means, but is not limited to, treating others with respect and trust, while using a gender-neutral languageand being mindful of differences such as linguistic background and preferred pronouns at a personal level. It involves listening actively, being considerate of others and communicating clearly and kindly, e.g. provide constructive feedback, address conflicts, or, if something bothers you try to solve the tension early and directly. It also means recognizing and valuing the contributions of others, acknowledging their strengths.
Encouraged behaviour in the Academy resolves around proactive support of other Fellows and engagement in the Academy activities. This means, we strive to make the Academy a comfortable environment for discussion and participation. This involves active participation in Academy activities (to the best of Fellows’ ability and relevancy of specific topics) and engage in virtual and in-person discussions. It also means that we proactively support and look out for each other.
Non-tolerated behaviour
Non-tolerated behaviours are behaviours that are harmful, discriminatory, or offensive to others such as disrespect, harassment of all kinds. Disrespect includes behaviours such as not listening to somebody, ignoring or excluding someone, arrogance, holding back relevant information and putting yourself always before others. Harassment and its extreme variants include, but are not limited to, bullying, discrimination, verbal and physical aggression and violence, destructive feedback, manipulation and abuse of power, racism and sexism.
Reporting & Handling of violations
The Academy Code of Conduct Committee includes Effi Drews, Jonas Kuppler, Kristin Sauerland and two assigned fellows from each cohort. If you witness or experience any kind of violations of the Code of Conduct, please talk kindly and directly to the persons involved. Please remember that violations may happen non-purposely. If the conflict cannot be resolved via a conversation or you feel uncomfortable with approaching the respective person(s) yourself, please report incidents of non-tolerated behaviours that you experience or witness by contacting the Code of Conduct-Team or a member of it.
When making a report, please provide as much detail as possible, including: the date, time, and location of the incident, names of the individuals involved, a detailed description of the behaviour that was observed or experienced and any supporting evidence and information that would be helpful.
If any member of the Code of Conduct Committee has a conflict of interest with a reported violation, they will be recused and will not have access to the content or process of the report follow-up. At an in-person Academy event, please reach out to anyone named as a member of the Code of Conduct Committee.
The Code of Conduct Committee will investigate and decide on responses and actions to reports. Every case is individual and depending on many factors but the Committee aims to find solutions, make decisions and implement enforcement as fast as possible. We are committed to transparency within our community while upholding the privacy of all persons involved in a violation report. Therefore, we will publish brief, anonymized summaries of incidents within the Academy including recommendations for future preventions.