
Your training network to bridge Earth System and Data Science

Online Coffee lectures - Overview

The NFDI4Earth Academy offers its Online Coffee Lecture series from January to April 2024. Short lectures and talks on various topics related to Machine Learning, research data and the NFDI will take place every second Friday from 11:00 to 12:00 am online via Zoom. This part of the NFDI4Earth Academy program is open to the whole community.

Everybody is welcome and the participation is free of charge.
Please register for lectures to receive the dial-in data .

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and drop by virtually!

Online Coffee lecture - Program 2024

Friday 12.01. 11-12 am GFZ Data Services (Kirsten Elger, GFZ) Register here!
GFZ Data Services is a repository for research data and scientific software across the Earth System Sciences, hosted at GFZ. The curated data are archived, persistently accessible and published with DOI. They range from large dynamic datasets from global monitoring networks with real-time acquisition, to international services in geodesy and geophysics, to the full suite of small and highly heterogeneous datasets collected by individual researchers or small teams ("long-tail data"). In addition to the DOI registration and data archiving itself, GFZ Data Services team offers comprehensive consultation by domain scientists and IT specialists.
This presentation will introduce to the broad service portfolio of GFZ Data Services, including project-specific DOI landing pages for our national and international partners, data curation practices, supporting tools like the online metadata editor, data description templates and extensive data publication guidelines. It will further show examples of how metadata exchange with other data portals is increasing the visibility of our data publications.

Friday 26.01. 11-12 am FID GEO: Library services to make your research more visible and accessible (Melanie Lorenz, GFZ)  Cancelled! Our apologies
The FachInformationsDienst für Geowissenschaften (FID GEO, Specialized Information Service for Geosciences) is a nationwide service for all geoscientists working in Germany. Our team of highly networked librarians, data publishing experts and geoscientists provides services and advice on Open Science issues in the geosciences. We offer Open Access electronic publishing of your research results such as research data, software and texts via our domain repositories (GEO-LEOe-docs and GFZ Data Services) as well as digitisation. This lecture will be recorded for internal usage.

Friday 09.02. 11-12 am is unfortunately cancelled

Wednesday 21.02. 11-12 am Geo-INQUIRE (Fabrice Cotton, Stefanie Weege, GFZ) Register here!
Geo-INQUIRE (Geosphere INfrastructures for QUestions into Integrated REsearch) fosters excellent, interdisciplinary and curiosity-driven research of the solid Earth, including land-sea-atmosphere interfaces. The EU project benefits from a unique partnership of 51 European partners. Now, the 1st Geo-INQUIRE Transnational Access Call to European research infrastructures is open and provides access to unique high-level installations and experiments. Geo-INQUIRE is welcoming applications from researchers, technicians, students and other specialists working in the fields of research covered by the installations. The call is open until 15 March 2024. In addition, Geo-INQUIRE offers online seminars, online training, on-site workshops, on-site summer schools and in the near future personalised training, all free of charge. We promote equality, diversity and inclusion in all Geo-INQUIRE activities. Therefore, applications from women and applications from people working in one of the widening countries, associated countries and outermost regions of Horizon Europe will be given special attention during the whole project life time. For questions feel free to contact

Friday 08.03. 11-12 am Inferring Causal Relationships from Data - An Introduction (Jonas Wahl, DLR & TU Berlin) Register here!
One of the primary goals of many research fields is to infer and describe causal relationships between scientific phenomena based on observational and experimental data. In the last decades, scientists and statisticians have developed a variety of formalisms as a scientific language for causal claims, as well as many algorithms that aim to infer causal networks or causal effects under different assumptions. I will give an introduction to the Causal Inference framework of Pearl and others and describe its current state-of-the-art with a particular focus on time series data.

Friday 22.03. 11-12 am Explainable Machine Learning: Basics & Beyond (Lorenz Linhardt, TU Berlin) Register here!
Machine learning (ML) methods have become ubiquitous in the sciences. Despite their widespread usage, it is unclear what they learn and where they may fail. Explainable ML methods attempt to provide additional insights into the inner workings of ML models and their decision-making strategies. This talk will give a brief introduction to explainable ML, in particular well-established methods, and will provide pointers to more recent developments.

Friday 12.04. 11-12 am The DataHub - empowering digital data-driven research (Martin Hammitzsch, GFZ) Register here!
The DataHub, a collaborative effort across the seven research centers within the Research Field Earth and Environment of the Helmholtz Association, aims to break down data silos and empower research. This integrative initiative, anchored in the field's joint research program, brings together previously separate marine, terrestrial, and atmospheric research data into a single, open, and interoperable information hub. Following the FAIR principles, the DataHub will serve as a digital ecosystem for researchers to store, manage, share, and analyze their data across disciplines and institutions. It provides a federated data infrastructure and a suite of tools for advancing research digitalization and fostering a cultural shift within the field Earth and Environment. This interconnected and interoperable data infrastructure stands as a significant contribution to the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) - notably, it will support NFDI4Earth.

Friday 26.04. 11-12 am SIS MAPS (FID Karten) - Specialised Information Service Cartography and Geodata (Cornelia Koch & Martin Jeske, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin) Register here!
The SIS Maps, located in the Map Department of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (SBB) is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The lecture will focus on the services of the SIS, which are aimed in particular at scientists of geoinformation but also at the interdisciplinary professional community who use maps. They include the largely digital provision of specialist information on cartographic materials (literature, glossary, maps and geodata) as well as infrastructures that enable them to be found and accessed (special catalogues, bibliography and repository).

Online Coffee lecture - Program 2023

Thursday 24.08. 11-12 am Technical issues in data analytics: tips, tricks and hacks (Christoph Lehmann, TU Dresden)

Friday 08.09. 11-12 am Introduction to NFDI4Earth IG ​High-performance Computing in Earth System Sciences (Stephan Frickenhaus, AWI) & IG Long-term Storage and Archiving (Tim Schürmann, BKG)
The Interest Groups are forum for the NFDI4Earth community to e.g. identify, discuss and communicate requirements for NFDI4Earth, jointly advance NFDI4Earth-related concepts, technologies and processes, implement NFDI4Earth principles, or to disseminate specific NFDI4Earth offers. Today both interest groups will briefly introduce themselves, their current work, goals and possibilities to join the activities. 

Friday 22.09. 11-12 am All you need to know about Software Licenses as a RSE (Tobias Schlauch, DLR) 
A basic understanding of software licenses and related topics is necessary for RSEs to successfully publish their research software from the legal point of view. Typical questions are: What license should I use for code, documentation, or data? Can I combine this specific set of software licenses? How to document this information? This talk gives an overview about the copyright and software license basics. Using an example of a data analysis script written in Python, we go through the process of clarifying all relevant aspects and documenting them in a practical way. In this context, we introduce REUSE SOFTWARE which provides a standardized approach to document copyright and license information as well as helpful tools.

Friday 20.10. 11-12 am Introduction to PANGAEA (Lars Möller, MARUM)